Monday, March 7, 2011

a few funny things

Sarah was baptized last Sunday!  It was such a wonderful day, my heart was full of gratitude for all that the Lord has done.  We allowed Madelyn (5) to stay in big church to witness the event.  My mom was laughing when Sarah and I made it back to our seats for the service.  Apparently, my sweet little Maddy had one thing and one thing only on her mind.  When the deacons brought out the offering plates, with a jubilant voice, she said "look Ma, we get snacks!"  Precious
Then yesterday, on the way to church, she is in her seat looking through her little picture bible.  She says, "hey mom, I know this story."  I turn around and notice the picture of Adam and Eve with the snake.  "Oh really, tell me about it."  "That bad snake lied to those people and made them eat that fruit that God said not to eat, then they got naked."  I couldn't correct her because I was laughing so hard.  Laughing, driving, calling my mom to tell her and eating peanuts is a bad combination. I was lucky I didn't kill us all as a result of my recklessness and neglect.  #1 MOM!!!
That was almost funnier than Sarah's take on the story at that age.  When we asked her what she had learned that day (the creation story) her response was "Adam and Eve ate some fruit and everybody died."  Somewhere, lost in translation, was the message of our sin and Gods grace.  But I guess everybody getting naked and dying is just more interesting when you're five?
We're working on it.

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